"So in the Libyan fable it is told
That once an eagle,stricken with a dart,
Said when he saw the fashion of the shaft,
With our own feathers, not by others' hand,
Are we now smitten. ' "
Failures to report taken together with deceptive reports of success betray Chiarelli's guilty conscience.
Pete Chiarelli was baited. He took to the scent of the terrorist training camp like a Beagle to bacon.
Chiarelli assigned the mission to his Georgia Bulldog, Mike Steele, and Steele's Pit bull pups. Steele figuratively starved and beat his brood revving them for a fight to the death. Steele prepared his men to die.
Then something bad happened.
The dogs of war came off their birds shootin' at everything that moved. Sergeants like Ray Girouard recognized almost immediately something was wrong and worked furiously to restore sanity and restraint to a battle field where confusion blinded the confused.
"Insurgents" hiding behind women and children. Steele and Chiarelli were had. The mission was compromised and our guys got sucked into a politically explosive trap.
Operation Iron Triangle was unopposed!
Sergeants hitting the ground like Ray knew they had a problem and did what they could to keep their men and innocents safe. Ray left his men to load women and kids on a Blackhawk when three of the middle-aged males got capped.
But before order was restored on the Chemical Plant objective, forty-five (45) more died.
Still the restraint of sergeants saved lives.
What had been intended a great success in the days leading up to America's mid-term congressional elections turned out a miserable failure.
The trap snapped shut when word leaked out about the Iron Triangle combat action. Matters became frantic once Steele's ROE command made its way to print media ("kill all military age males"). Panic escalated once Steele's other combat adventures started coming under a microscope.
It's at this point Ray Girouard's life changed. Pete Chiarelli used Ray and his squad like the enemy terrorists had used the ladies and kids. That is to say, as ritual tribal cannibal sacrifice.
Someone on the Iraqi side set our troops up. Iron Triangle was doomed. Exposure of Iraqi duplicity was extraordinarily damaging to U.S.-Iraqi political relations in the five months before U.S. midterms and quick action had to be effected to reduce embarrassment all around.
The Iron Triangle Article 32 was a fraud. The courts-martial it spawned were all frauds!
Ray's fake Art. 32, with the promise of a series of pretend courts-martial, was the fix...and was fixed! Undeniable in its intrigue, the fake 32 is distinguished by invisible, deep, and subtle scheming. Chiarelli's evil offerings of Ray and his men were politically driven and remain criminally indecent.
Girouard and his men (and Marine Sgt. Hutchins) are kidnapped. Pete Chiarelli is one of their panic-stricken captors.
Accusations made against Ray lack motive. But government motives abound. Disguising Ray's combat experience as an isolated episode of a rogue cell facilitated the examination of small mysteries used to obstruct a more expansive and appropriate investigation regarding U.S.-Iraqi command involvements and decisions from Chiarelli down.
Chiarelli instead fed Ray and his men like chum to the blood-thirsty sharks in the press pool and to the denizens of the congressional cesspool. "Big Army" turned against Ray, then turned Ray's men against Ray.
The Iron Triangle men were JAG-knifed by a ruling military elite, mercilessly coerced to the point they were turned against each other and on themselves. Government accusations leveled against Ray and his men are unproven and unprovable. Today they are being punished without a jury trial for crimes they did not commit in sacrifice shielding Chiarelli and his cohorts.
Attendant death penalties worked to agitate an already frenetic feeding frenzy sensationalizing the already sensational. Ray and his men, and then their defense teams, were paralyzed in response, and rendered powerless to defend themselves.
Through all of this there is exhibited the expression of Executive Government to imprison men for reasons of State. It is the expression of the courts-martial system. It is the expression of the power of attainder.
It is remarkable to observe how Pete Chiarelli, Mike Steele, Nate Johnson, Jim Daniel, and remaining command racketeers responsible for entombing innocent men like Ray conducted their star-chamber council. In Ray's counterfeit, substitute probable cause hearing it's chilling to consider with what passionate consistency these men strove to ingnore and obscure facts.
Modern-day "Court" Massengales, our military royalty, regard the Constitution as merely a pesky legal technality. Think about this. Think on it very hard.
There exists here an enormous scandal demanding public exposition and public discussion. The first step is the release of Ray Girouard (and Larry Hutchins too). Let the Sergeants freely and publicly tell us what they know.
As a student of Ayn Rand,
"I do not make assertions. That is the moral crime peculiar to my enemies. I do not tell--I show. I do not claim--I prove. It is not your obedience that I seek to win, but rather your rational conviction. You have seen all the elements of their secret system. The conclusion is now yours to draw--we can help you to name it, but not to accept it--the sight, the knowledge and the acceptance must by yours."
Related links:
"...if the supporters of Staff Sgt. Raymond Girouard have anything to say about it, the Sweetwater native will have his name cleared." (I guess we're going to find out real soon...)
Operation Iron Triangle Shuts Down Insurgent Training Camp
Lootenant Culpepper's Defense!
Ray Girouard: Named victim of ATTAINDER in a criminal complaint filed with DOJ!
Attainder's three-part test
Michael Steele's pre-deployment brief to Ray Girouard and his men
Army Says Improper Orders by Colonel Led to 4 Deaths
4 G.I.’s Tell of How Iraqi Raid Went Wrong
Anita Gorecki (at The JAG HUNTER)
Alan Dershowitz (at The JAG HUNTER)
Ray Girouard (at The JAG HUNTER)
The American Military Legacy of Attainder
Copyright © 2008 The JAG HUNTER
Labels: Lawrence Hutchins, Michael Steele, military attainder, Operation Iron Triangle, Raymond Girouard
Copyright © 2009 The JAG HUNTER
Get subscribers posted by The JAG Hunter @ 12/30/2008 09:08:00 AM 0 comments