Monday, April 6, 2009

FBI InfraGard warns of a crescendo of public concern about Obama's eligibility!!

"if...Mr. Obama fights revealing his documentation, there is growing concern of civil unrest, or worse, being unleashed in the streets of our nation.The economic crisis coupled with this type of a constitutional crisis could prove to be a flashpoint that would test conventional law enforcement and elements of homeland security."

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Copyright © 2009 The JAG HUNTER

Get subscribers posted by The JAG Hunter @ 4/06/2009 03:17:00 PM   4 comments


At Thu Apr 09, 06:46:00 PM EDT, Blogger WeroInNM said...

I have recently forwarded a letter to our FBI Albuquerque Field Office requesting that they conduct an investigation into President Obama's eligibility status and would like to share a copy with you, along with copies of other letters and/or emails that I have also forwarded to Mr. Jeffrey Taylor-US Attorney for the District of Columbia, my NM US Senator, NM US Congressman and our County Sheriff, requesting that they conduct their own investigations.

My recent blog contains copies of all of them, which I would like to share with all of you, as a means of giving you some ideas of what action you could hopefully take to join this urgent, time sensitive and worthy cause, by standing up for and defending those rights given us under our Constitution:!.thtml

"Food For Thought"

"God Bless Our USA"

Semper Fi!

At Sun Apr 12, 10:17:00 AM EDT, Blogger onesonek said...

I would like to ask why nobody has asked the FBI Director if the FBI has conducted his background investigation for his security clearance (Aove Eyes Only). And since the first requirement that is listed on the FBI's website that in order to become an FBI agent you must provide your birth certificate in order to obtain a TS clearance. Just like getting Al Capone on the paperwork! hooahh!

At Wed Jun 10, 07:36:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Lance Winslow said...

This is an interesting issue, but it does not matter. The Constitution is clear, and we should not fear our duty to uphold it. Letting something like this slide is unacceptable. We must know the "whole truth" whatever that might be irregardless of "civil unrest", riots or whatever. To forgo truth because it might be inconvenient, is not what we stand for here. Our nation is strong enough to handle a Constitutional Crisis, we are strong people, we can know the truth and deal with that truth. We must. The excuse that it might cause problems is nothing compared to the ditching of our founding document to prevent temporary problems. What say you?

At Mon Aug 10, 11:55:00 AM EDT, Blogger JR said...

I have given the BHO eligibility question a lot of thought and I believe the question has been centered purposely on the birth certificate because it takes the attention away from the real answer which is he was born to a citizen mother and a non-citizen father. That disqualifies him no matter where he was born. If the BHO supporters can keep the focus on the birth certificate they won't have to deal with this real disqualifying factor. Hence calling everyone who questions his eligibility as a “ Birther” and impugning them as being somehow bigots and/or racists which is sop for those in the tank for him. Bottom line is that it doesn't matter if he was born on Mars he is not eligible because 1 out of 2 citizen parents won't fly.


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