"Please remove me from your list.
Anita Gorecki"
Marine Captain Don Greenlaw, and Marine Sergeant Tim Harrington,
Anita Gorecki threw Ray Girouard's general court-martial! And Gorecki lied to me Thursday night (21 June 2007) when confronted directly!
And Gorecki knows she's been caught!
Army Captain Theodore "Ted" Miller, assigned military defense counsel to Staff Sergeant Ray Girouard, abetted and aided Gorecki!
Gorecki's mendacities are effortless (she's caught in several lies) and tedious. Gorecki told me Thursday night she had no knowledge (until our conversation Thursday evening) regarding Colonel Steele's employment of Alan Dershowitz (widely reported since January).
I confronted Gorecki directly Thurdday telling her I believe she was part of the secret wrangling (with Dershowitz) that rigged Ray's trial.
Gorecki accepted my accusation without challenge. Gorecki refused to answer my direct questions.
I asked Gorecki, for instance, why she decided to pull the granted motion to call and question Colonel Michael Steele as a witness (recall Col. Steele received an Article 15 reprimand for events where subordinate soldiers suffered courts-martial).
I asked Gorecki directly why she didn't jump all over the gift she was presented by exposure of the Army's forced fiction regarding those events trotted out during the series of courts-martial of the events of 9 May 2006. Grabber, Clagett and Huntsaker are all on record telling us they suffered subornation in their perjury that Army JAGs forced in crafting Graber's, Clagett's and Huntsaker's testimonies.
Gorecki had dinner with Col. Steele in February. It's commonly known Steele had his attorney (Dershowitz) present. It's worth noting that Steele didn't rate Army JAG representation (the assignment of an Army defense JAG inasmuch as 1) Article 15s don't trigger defense JAG assignment, and 2) Steele wasn't facing charges in February 2007 - when he and Gorecki met at Steele's Atlanta "mansion" for dinner and drinks).
Gorecki told me Thurdsay evening she's never met Alan Dershowitz. Again, Gorecki told me Thurdsay she'd never heard of Steele's employment of Dershowitz until Thursday night.
Anita Gorecki is a liar who's ripped off the people of Sweetwater, Tennessee while sending off one of their soldiers to the military dungeons.
There are other clear evidences of the corruption of Ray's court-martial (and the corruption of the others). In simple terms, if Gorecki has nothing to lie about, why is Gorecki lying?
I called and emailed Dershowitz's office and his assistant's office on Wednesday (20 June 2007). No response.
The JAG Hunter letter to Sgt. Hutchins render the silence of publicly corrupt attorneys undisturbed at the expense of soldiers and Marines suffering in military discipline caves.
I'd like to point out here as well that the uniforms Ray Girouard wore at his March 2007 court-martial are stolen under Anita Gorecki's and Ted Miller's watchful eyes. Other personal property seized from Ray (valued at thousands of dollars) is also stolen. I'll be filing an email criminal complaint reporting the theft this weekend. Army Criminal Investigative Division (CID) Special Agent David Aaron Thomas is placed on notice as an addressee to this correspondence.
Dershowitz and Gorecki are both addees to this correspondence, as is Rich Brannon. I'm happy to be disabused regarding my findings which I'm preparing for posting at The JAG Hunter shortly.
Pass the word!
Here endth the lesson.
Beware the fury of the patient man,
Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III
United States Navy, Retired -- Surface Warfare (command-at-sea qualified), Naval Parachutist
United States Naval Academy, Class of 1975
Still serving - John 15:13
Labels: Alan Dershowitz, Anita Gorecki, Colonel Michael Steele, Don Greenlaw, Marine Sergeant Lawrence Hutchins, Staff Sergeant Raymond Girouard, Tim Harrington, Walter Francis Fitzpatrick III
Copyright © 2009 The JAG HUNTER
Get subscribers posted by The JAG Hunter @ 6/23/2007 04:53:00 PM 0 comments

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