LANCE CORPORAL PENNINGTON court-martial update: Supervisory Special Agent James H. Connolly suborns perjury!
"Also testifying for the government was James Connolly, a Naval Criminal Investigative Service special agent who interrogated platoon members in Iraq.
Connolly testified about having met with family members of Awad and learning that within a day or two of the slaying, a flier had been handed out in Hamdania by members of the platoon with a threatening message that if anyone was caught digging a hole for a roadside bomb they, like Awad, would be killed."
JAG Hunter here: A couple of things--
To begin Supervisory Special Agent to the PENDLETON EIGHT case, James Conolly, is a known and reported federal felon criminal. Connolly's criminal conduct is reported to FBI agents resident in Silverdale, WA.
One of Connolly's criminal acts was to hand deliver a "flier" threatening physical harm. Unlike the situation facing Lcpl. Pennington, Connolly's flier actually exists (people have seen it).
Any one seen the flier from Iraq Connolly testified about?
Than this: Jodka's and Bacos' testimonies are worthless. Any statement issued as the work product of NCIS coercion or duress is to be disregarded out of hand. Connolly is personally responsible for this subornation of perjury now in plain view.
Lastly, reporters from the North County Times, to include Mr. Walker, and The Kitsap Sun (Connolly's neighborhood paper) are completely aware Connolly is a criminal. And they've seen Connolly's flier along with much more. Those who fail to report on these facts at the expese of Lcpl. Pennington and his family are, frankly, monsters.
Repeating for emphasis: Show me the flier from Iraq!
Here endth the lesson.
The JAG Hunter. Copyright©2007.
Labels: attainder, Bacos, James H. Connolly, Lance Corporal Pennington, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, NCIS, Pendleton Eight, suborning perjury, The JAG Hunter
Copyright © 2009 The JAG HUNTER
Get subscribers posted by The JAG Hunter @ 2/16/2007 07:40:00 AM 0 comments

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