This from the current version of the Manual for Courts-martial:
Issuance of Warrant of Attachment [see below]:A first person account:
The military judge or, if there is no military judge, the convening authority may, in accordance with this [rule for courts-martial], issues a warrant of attachment to compel the attendance of [a civilian]...
Subpoenas issued [by military commanders] under [rules for courts-martial 703] are Federal process and [any American citizen, CIVILIAN] may be prosecuted in Federal civilian court under [the Articles of War (UCMJ)] Article 47 for failure to comply with a subpoena issued by [a military commander]...
Failing to comply with [a military order to appear at courts-martial] is a felony offense and my result in a fine or imprisonment, or both at the discretion of the [federal] district court.
"I was in a court-martial, murder trial, where a civilian witness who was subpoenaed did not appear. The Military Judge signed an order, similar to an order that a Federal judge would sign and the US Marshals went to that witness's home and picked him up and brought him to the Court-Martial."
JAG Hunter here: A couple more points regarding this incredible twist of military "LAWFARE" against the American people. To begin the Manual for Courts-martial is an Executive Order, and not the product of any check or balance built into the creation of other federal legislation.
Tersely: American civilians are currently subject to the operation of military discipline simply because the commander in chief has ordered it so on his own authority!!
Next: This pesky detail, and a little inside baseball. The Punitive Articles of the AWs (UCMJ), that is the list of military crimes for which the CINC is allowed to award punishment, begin at Article 77 and end at Article 134.
Article 47 is not a punitive article.
Beware the Fury of the Patient Man!!
Here endth the lesson.
The JAG Hunter. Copyright©2007.
Copyright © 2009 The JAG HUNTER
Get subscribers posted by The JAG Hunter @ 1/26/2007 01:55:00 PM 0 comments

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