Thursday, May 21, 2009


“On May 9, 2009, the American Grand Jury met and, after reviewing the evidence presented, indicted Barak Obama, aka Barry Soetoro for fraud and treason. Wednesday, May 13, 2009, the indictment was filed with the Clerk of Court, Catawba County, NC (file #09R81) and a copy of the indictment was sent by Certified Mail to District Attorney James C. Gaither (NC District 25B), for further action according to his Oath of Office.”
Mr. Obama's teleprompter was alerted.

Mr. Robert Hefner reports in a separate action that the Obama federal criminal complaint, naming Mr. Obama in commission of the crime of TREASON, was sent via Certified Mail-Receipt Requested, to District Attorney James C. Gaither of North Carolina District 25B.

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