Marine free after conviction tossed out
(by Rick Rogers San Diego Union Tribune: (760) 476-8212;
Sergeant Foster writes:
I can be contacted via email at: I will do my very best to reply to everyone. I am still fighting my case and the unfair treatment I am receiving. As of today, 06 April 2009, I still am being paid as a Private and not able to get dental or medical treatment. The MC seemed to have started an illegal allotment to my x- wife's divorce attorney and my x-wife in January 2000, totaling $6331.00, and I am told that if I want my pay I have to go to the divorce attorney to get it back! Incredible, never in a million years would I do an allotment to my x-wife's divorce attorney. Another piece to the puzzle falls in place as to why my SRB has been erased; was this to cover up misconduct? Time will tell. I am thankful for all the support out there. I am surprised at the response from people all over the country, people who I have never met. The fight for my freedom is not over as I have found out this week. I may have been released by the courts and the SECNAV but I am being treated like a prisoner still. I have no access to health care- refused treatment and told I can be transported out to civilian care if I get sick. I am being paid as a basic private, even though the SECNAV and the courts are calling me Sgt. Foster. DFAS refuses to recognize my status and I was told I will only get a check for about 20K. This is the equivalent of Private pay, based on the remainder of my original 4 year contract, of which 12 months were in Prison. Failing to recognize that I spent nearly ten years behind bars. Either way I feel That it is a slap in the face. What has happened to the US Military? Is there no longer a chain of command? Last time I checked the SECNAV was the SECNAV- not a person to ignore! Does this mean the fighting man and woman can ignore the SECNAV's orders to deploy, wear the proper uniform, Ect., Ect.?? Time will tell... remember we were in Baghdad in 3 days but a decision on a single Marine has taken over 10 years! My Head is still high and I will fight this to the end, until I feel justice has been rendered. God Bless Our Country.

Labels: attainder, Attainder court-martial, Contact The JAG HUNTER, Haditha Marines, Sergeant of Marines Brian W. Foster, USMC
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